Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My Brain lied!

I forgot to add this yesterday. Sunday night I stayed up too late playing a video game (Dragon Quest VIII) getting to a make it or break it spot. Anyway, I kept having the strangest dream. I work for a claim processing company, so we do lots of claims and they go through our system. Well for some reason claims kept stopping and the "claim stopped" alarm went off, meaning I had to spring into action to get them going again. Well the "spring into action" really meant I had to press a button to get them going again. When I finally awoke, I saw that I had easily overslept, because I kept hitting the snooze button.

I don't know that's kinda funny to me.


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

Your favorite video game sucks...unless of course it is Mortal!

Nice dream...did the excuse work when you got to work?


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