Monday, November 28, 2005

A horrible friend

I missed Hez's b-day party and I feel bad about that. I felt icky all day Friday and a part of Saturday. Thanksgiving was good, I spent it with Kari's family (both sides) and one side definitely puts on a better spread, especially in terms of desert! So Thursday went well, and I woke up Friday feeling just awful, just ended up in bed drinking gallons (probably not an exaggeration) of water. Saturday came and it was a lazy day. Kari stopped by later that day and brought me food, that was the bees knees. Sunday was more of the same. Pretty boring to read about my weekend, but it's what I needed Wednesday had me a little stressed out (especially being oncall). I only got two more calls over the weekend and both were easily remedied. Well, I got to get ahead in work this week, so I don't have to worry about my trip to Vegas coming up.

Sorry to all about being a poop. Hope you all had a great weekend!


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