Tuesday, November 15, 2005

An e-mail to Mark....

We are off for Vegas on the evening of Dec 8th (thursday). You'll definitely want to plan this at least the weekend before or sooner. Not sure if Russ would be able to attend though. From talking with him last night it sounds like his new job starts on Dec 12th (that Monday). As for new years, Kari and I will still be in Oregon. We fly back on the 1st, we leave on the 23rd of Dec.

Things are crazy busy, had a bad day last week, where I flooked something up, in reality it was that bad, but if circumstances had been different it could have been pretty bad. This week is just busy, have to get a project coded (pretty much done, specs keep changing) and approved by tomorrow night. The big catch on this is that a Sr. VP is interested in this project so it has to be perfect. Probably going to have to stay a little late tonight awaiting what to do as this has to get done.

other than that, not too much going on. Vegas 2nd weekend in Dec, Christmas coming up. I've got to be "oncall" for work starting tomorrow for the next two weeks, so when shit hits the fan, my phone will ring. Although I've heard that last Thanksgiving was quiet, which is just fine with me. Oooh, my friend Brandon from Oregon is going to be here Thursday evening for parts of it. Not sure what his exact schedule is, he's interviewing with medical schools for residency or something doctor related. It sounded like he'd be here late Thursday and leaving early Friday

And that's the news with Riz, probably could have turned this into a blog entry and share with the world...........and I did


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