Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I hate Coldplay!

Couldn't think of a suitible title for this post, then Coldplay came on and it just clicked! Speed of sound has to be the most annoying song I've ever heard, and that's taking into account Der Commisar. Anyway, it looks like this is going to be a Hez-type blog, last updated: whenever.

Last night Volleyball was pretty fun, it was definitely not too much of a challenge, although only having five people made it more interesting. I'd definitely have to give the MVP Ball to Jess. She play a very solid game all night. Play of the night was when Jess was in the setter's position and the serve just barely came over the net. Now, I'm not entirely sure I would have played it as well as Jess did. She bumps it up and over to Mark and he gives me a great set across court. I put it over, but my shot wasn't anything special, just over the net. Also Jess's serving earned her a few aces, probably the most on the night. Which was good for me, just because I didn't mind just hanging out for her serves.

Games night last week was a good time, check out Burrito Eater's page for the results. Although I'm sure you started there and worked your way here.

I haven't been going to bed at a decent hour lately so, I've been going to bed 11 or 12, then to follow that up with getting up at 6:20ish, isn't making a good combination. I'm dragging a little bit this morning and have two more days of work before I get to sleep in.

Kari's dad is turning 50 this weekend, any ideas on what to get him? Or what would you get your own dad for his 50th?


At 6:41 AM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

I like Coldplay and can't get enough! In otherwords you are stupid! :)

We had alot of amazing plays...funny, not many routine plays, all amazing plays! We rock! If we win 2 next week we are guaranteed to be the champs, 1 win could put us in a tie.

50th birthday? Russ would get his dad a bottle of something, my dad is more difficult though. I don't know what I would get my dad, so good luck with that.

At 7:04 AM, Blogger el_riz said...

I'm sorry to hear that you have some sort of ear disorder, rendering you unable to distinguish good music from bad music, you used to be really good at this.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

Clearly your post didn't take into account the Jay Giles Band, Sting or Meatloaf. Speed of Sound is the most annoying? Like anyone could possibly know that. What about I'm not a perfect person......Hoobastank!

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd have to say that the most annoying song ever is b.y.o.b. by systom of a down.


At 11:44 AM, Blogger Hez said...

I am musically challanged. I like just about everything. I don't know the names of the songs, or the bands that sing 'em, that I really like through. Oh well.


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