Friday, September 23, 2005

Hey, it is Friday!

Well, T-Minus 6 hours 45 minutes until my wonderful meeting starts and I still have a bunch of stuff to do to prepare. I'm feeling a little better about it, instead of a spanking fest at my expense, I'm going to try to make some lemonade outta this. Well however it works out it'll be over in 8 hours. And then some fun and games!!

Not sure what time the festivities start, but I'm guessing a little trip to boozeland will be involved. Reading Burrito Eater's blog got me hungry for some mushroom swiss fajita's from Chili's. I'm a little scared to see where my eating habits have gone. I know I've had taco johns almost every weekday for lunch for the last month. I always feel a little shame when the people at the fast food place know me by name, oh well, I love the chicken fajita burrito there. Definitely pricey for what you get, but it tastes good and could be a contributed factor to my apparent weight loss.

Well, I've got to get going, but I just wanted to let people who wondered where I was to know I'm still alive and kickin'


At 1:31 PM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

Good luck with the meeting, hence the need for some Jack huh? You will do fine, you know what you are talking about and will wow them with knowledge. Much ado about nothing!

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

Hi Riz! Nice blog! It's almost Friday again! :)

Hope all is well, way to win 5 bucks this week!


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