Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Is it Friday?

So, this issue has come up at work. In a testing region, they're running 10 times the number of claims (claim processing is where I program) using about a third or fourth of the system resources. Basically what this means, is that it makes the inefficiency in our little part of the system stand out like a sore thumb. So yesterday, my manager let me know that I'll be hosting a meeting with his boss and a few others to discuss this, but the true intent behind the meeting is to let the blame fall on mine (and now another guys) shoulders. Now this isn't really our fault, but the thought is that if we knew it was ineffcient, we should have done something about it sooner. The thing of it is, you can just go and change it, there has to be a reason behind it, so it was working, not as good as it could, but we didn't have any real reason to change it. Now that this problem has been exposed, it's now time to visit how we can improve this. Sound good? I hope so, that's basically what I'm telling my manager's manager. And by the way, my manager's manager and I don't really get along, so this should be fun. Gah, I'm starting to think maybe looking for a new job wouldn't be such a bad idea for me, you know, kinda beat the rush?

Well, enough of that, just wanted to vent a little. Got some volleyball tonight, should be interesting, I hope we get a full team. I'm sure Burrito Eater will pull through with the bodies, but I'm hoping they snag the victory in timely fashion!

Games this Friday, well, 80+ hours till the weekend!


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

Hang in there fella! Sorry volleyball wasn't as theraputic as it could be. 21 work hours left though, you can hang!


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