Monday, November 07, 2005

About time

Well, it's about time I updated this thing. Sorry I haven't been around as much as I should have. It's been pretty busy here at work, and for some reason I can't seem to sign onto this from home. I don't remember when I last updated, let alone what's happened in that time period, so I'll go with what I know.

Little Ceasar's freakin' rules. It's been a long while (Oregon days) since I've last had it. To be honest I didn't remember liking it so much, but Friday I had quite a few pieces of crazy bread from the night of fun and games at Marks. I capitalized on their grand opening deal of ready to go large pepperoni ($5) and crazy bread ($2) yesterday and that was pretty freakin' sweet.

Saw II was pretty good. I went to see the 9:50 showing last night (hence a little late into work today). Normally I'm not such a blood and gore fan, but Saw was a pretty good flick (minus the blood and such). It was certainly a nice take on the "horror" genre.

Hmm.....didn't do much else this weekend, laundry which was much needed and I slept a lot. Friday night I was up until 2 am, but then didn't get out of bed until 5 pm. I just read a lot and slept, don't know what's up with all this sleeping. I didn't get to see Kari this weekend and that sucks. She's gone this week, so we're making plans for this weekend, not sure what yet, but as long as I get to see her it will be all good.

I think, for those interested, we should plan to see the Harry Potter movie, it's going to be a good movie. Too bad there's 3 more to wait for and 1 book to complete this series, although I have a hard time believing it'll stop there. For the sake of it being a classic I think it should stop after the seventh book, but the cash cow this thing is, it'll keep going until J.K. Rowling get's tired of money.

Well, I really should get back to work, it looks like I've got another busy week this week. I've got about 4 or 5 projects that need to be coded and tested by Friday, let's hope none of them are too bad.

I'll see you around!


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

I'll be seeing HP for sure...just not sure when! Ultrascreen baby! Any interest in Get Rich Or Die Trying? Might try to squeeze it in this week!

Sleeping until 5pm? Man, you gots to get out of bed!

LC is awesome, you can call and get the deep dish 1 topping for $7 also, awesome!


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