Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I'm here! I'm here!

Well, finally I'm updating my blog, not because of so much the e-mails and taunts to do so, but because I finally have time.

Saturday shit hit the fan, so I got a wake-up call @ 7:40. I started poking around with that (which is a pain to do on a laptop) and by 11:30ish, there was still no solution. So, 11:30 I get a call from my boss calling me into work, because he wasn't getting answers to what was wrong and how we were going to fix it. I grab some Taco Bell and head in. Four hours later, we have the program fixed and I'm headed home. I'm beat at this point as I was up late after watching some HS football and all that jazz. So, I crash for a few hours waiting for a call from Kari to go to her dad's 50th (Apparently I went in on a R/C corvette and a gift certifcate for the bar). Afterwards we were up late going through the birthday cards, it was a great time.

Sunday I woke up with a brick in my throat and my head pounding. I was hoping this was something I could sleep off, but when I awoke again at 5pm, and still feeling shitty, I knew I missed the movie with Hez and I felt bad about standing her up, but I couldn't have made it through the movie without coffing every few minutes. So, I got some water and went back to bed.

Monday, my throat was still bothering me, so I was a little late getting into work, was really tweening between work and calling in. I don't even really remember Monday, just that it was busy from the implementation over the weekend and trying to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.

Today was just like Monday, only I'm getting out of here on time for once. I've had these new hours (7 am - 3:30 pm) and I haven't left @ 3:30 yet. So, that's been pretty much it for me since I've last been heard of. Been busy, far too busy to update, as I'll probably only update from work.

On a side note, I somehow won Fantasy Football on Monday night, where I clearly should have lost that match. But hey, a win's a win! Too bad the Packers couldn't pull it out, I would have like to have seen the Packers win too. Next weeks opponent is Got Smulka? They're a tough team this year, usually his team has a few sleepers that come through in the crunch, but this year they've all apparently gotten out of the right side of the bed and are play like madmen!

Good luck to all, and wish us luck on our final V-ball game of the season.
Next year, I'm thinking of a Hez/Mark/Riz (and significant other) team for the summer league....any interest?


At 1:47 PM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

Holy crap, an update! Amazing!

I think my significant other and myself would be interested in a summer league (or even spring) in the 06!

Sounds like work really sucks...not cool! I also think you will likely be losing this week in fantasy football, just so you can prepare yourself for it! I had a great draft this year!

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Hez said...

We would love to play, just not on Tuesdays. :O) I play volleyball fall/winter on Tuesdays, and Tad plays softball on Tuesdays in the spring.

Sorry about that icky work stuff and you not feeling so well.

Corpse Bride had the new Harry Potter trailer... OMG it looks like it is going to be freakin' awesome.


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