Friday, November 18, 2005


guh, don't get me started! Wednesday, I come home to no internet, modem's weirding out. So, no problem, they sent us a badass modem when we thought the last one was broke. This is apparently TDS Metrocom's solution to connection issues, just keep sending crappy modems. So, I plug this bad boy in and all the lights light up and boom, it looks like I'm in buisness. Oh wait, the modem they sent us is for a higher speed service which means it can't connect to the box that we're supposed to get our internet out of. So, I call customer service to see how fast they could switch us over to the newer box for the modem that works, they say, "7-10 business days." So, they are sending us another old, crappy modem (this would be the 3rd to my knowledge) in a "couple of days." Until that comes in, it looks like I'm SOL for teh internet, which I've grown quite accustom to.

Sorry to rant......just pisses me off that TDS's solution to all modem troubles are:

1) Restart everything (I'm ok with this, as it's the end all be all solution)
2) Send a new modem

It's like they're admitting that they have really crappy modems, but hey, they've got a lot of them and maybe one will work, for a period of time anyway.

Screw this, this will be my last interaction with TDS, nothing wrong with the people there, just their policies.

On a happier note, I got 17/20, but should have gotten 19/20


At 10:30 AM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

I guessed all cleaners (except for the coupld of superheros I knew) and got 12 out of 20. Dean is a comic book nerd and got 13 out of 20.

Stupid TDS...whatever will you do now? Did they keep bringing them out or did you have to keep going to get new ones? Sorry for your woes...tonight we will have fun though!

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Hez said...

Heya Riz - We are on our third modem from TDS too! :O)

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Hez said...

Oh and I just got 16 out of 20 which isn't bad for a girl. :O)


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