Wednesday, December 21, 2005


With the vast power I've accumulated, I've set on of my lackeys to do some of my more menial tasks. I've set Fido to do all my mind reading for me give this a click and see if you can expose him as a fraud.

Not a whole lot going on, time for round two of christmas. I have a very nice christmas night with Kari's family, got some great loot too! Now I have to worry about doing the shopping for my family and get ready for prime time baby! We fly out this Friday early evening and I'm expecting to hit a Jack-in-the-Box inbetween the airport and my moms house. Jumbo Jack's with cheese.......ain't nothing wrong with that!

I'm a little sad that I'll be missing the Larson/Smulka Extravaganza '05. Ok, it's a little smaller than an extravaganza, but always a lot of fun. But I will get to spend it with my family, so it's more than a fair trade.

Hmmm....I've got to get some cleaning done before I take off for Oregon and I really can't concentrate at work, so I'm probably just going to chill here for a while. I'll talk to you all later!!

Much Love!



At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Riz, we will miss you too! We wish you and Kari could be there. Mark isn't quite sure who he's going to kiss a midnight now that you won't be around!

I hope you guys have a great time in Oregon!


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