Monday, January 23, 2006

The Rasslin' Show!

Well, I'm sure you've been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for this one. Probably everyone who reads this knows I went to a wrestling show this weekend at the Whitewater Armory. We started by eating and having a few drinks at "the Downstairs" in Whitewater. Pretty good burgers, but the bun could have been improved, it was more of a roll than a bun. So, will full bellies, we were off to the Armory, a scant block and half away. The Armory reminded me of the old highschool gym, only without the bleachers. There was about 100 or so people there, so it was an ok turnout. I was surprised how many youngsters were there, but I guess it makes sense. The show itself was alright, the best part about this whole thing is that you're voice can be heard. Our crew were shouting and hooting and hollaring, so pretty much everyone in there could hear us. We were sitting behind one of the wrestlers grandparents. They were pretty funny too, while their grandson was getting beat on they'd tell the bad guy "Hey stinky, you're a meanie." It was good. The show itself suffered from a couple of problems, the worst of it was the intermissions. The entire show was about 2 hours and 6 matches. After the first three matches, they took about a 30 min break, which killed the crowds buzz, who were really into it. Then after two more matches, another fifteen minute intermission followed by the last match. The last match consisted of the two guys from the fifth match and two more to make it a tag team match. The last match was alright, except for the four missed "hot tags." For those of you who don't know what that is, it's in a tag team match where one of the guys is getting worked over by his opponents and taking a real beating. The "hot tag" is when the tired, beat down, barely able to stand guy reaches ever so far to make that tag, to get the fresh guy, who's been getting worked up over the pounding his teammate has been getting. Then finally the tag goes off and the fresh guy cleans house and the crowd eats it up. So, I'm ok with that, I'm even good with the near "hot tag" (where the other guys drag him back preventing the tag), but by the fourth hot tag, I could care less if they won or lost. I think they were trying to get too much out of the crowd. All and all a good experience, playing along with the wrestlers and such was great, I almost lost my voice from all the yelling. Afterwords we went back to the Downstairs and it was fairly smokey. So, after all that my throat was very sore, but it's all good now.

Sunday I slept in, didn't get back from the show until about 2 am. Early afternoon Kari and I went looking at houses, there were two open houses we wanted to hit. We started late and went to the wrong house first, so we missed the other open house. The one we did see was asking 190k, when his neighbors bought theirs for 175k & 180k. Good luck to him with that. The house layout was pretty good, the secondary bedrooms were kinda small, but the interior design sucked major ass. The countertops, bathrooms and wallpaper were all poor in color choice and they weren't even consistent. The kitchen has green countertops, one bathroom had mint green tiles, a bedroom was pink, and all sorts of mismatches.

Still a little tired today, I've got to start going to bed earlier so I can get up better. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

I don't even know what or how to comment on "The Rasslin' Show!" That sounds kind of 8th grade (I remember when the AWA or something came and wrastled in a local gym in RL but I didn't go.) Anyways I am glad you had fun it's always good to have friends with a white trash side! :) Sorry, couldn't resist, I am the same fix is Nascar!

Anyways, good luck with the search for a new residence. Everyone is out to make a buck but all an all they are just looking to get fair market value...offer low and plant a seed.


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