Friday, March 17, 2006


...the Riz has posted a blog update. Man it's been a while and stuff has been happening to update people with (kinda). I don't mind missing updates if my day was "got up, went to work, came home." Hmm... Well nearest and dearest to me, Volleyball has finally been decided on and that should in a month, got a coaches meeting next week. Really excited to be playing volleyball with good friends, it's like a two for one special, but then you get a third free somehow.

Let's see, Kari and I purchased a couch/loveseat/recliner set from JC Penny, and for future reference the JC Penney's at the West Towne Mall does *not* have any furniture there, it's not even on the second floor. So, it's actually being delivered to the Brookfield store on Thursday (or thats when we can pick it up). It's going to be a mircosuede fiber. Really excited for that, then our basement will really come together, as right now it's just a pappazan (sp?) for the only seating arrangements. We need a kitchen table, so we can take the table in the kitchen and use that for cards downstairs. On a basement note, it looks like there might be an open pipe to get a bathroom down there, which would really mean I wouldn't ever have to leave the basement. Look for an invite to the new house early April, when I might actually be completely unpacked!

Well, work has been crazy busy, probably the busiest I've ever been here. Working on our May installation of software, and I've got 8 projects for that, plus supporting the programs that are due to go in this month, with all the other documentation that goes with it.......sheesh, I'm swamped. And of course if I don't update from work, I don't update at all, I just never feel like blogging from home.

What else?? I'm trying to get my family out here for Christmas, right now it's kinda hinging on if my little sister can get a new job and time off for Christmas. She works for Fred Meyer (think super wal mart but smaller) and she said that the likelyhood of getting time off in Nov/Dec is small. They have to work on Christmas day, I'm thinking they don't get any holiday completely off. So, if all works out you may get to meet my mom and sisters... special huh?

On an offbeat note, I was asked if I'd be up for performing a wedding ceremony. No, I don't have the talent to be the Wedding Singer, but to actually wed some good friends. At first I thought this was a joke, but it turns out it's less of a joke then I had previously thought. So, I plan on using April to become legally able to marry people in the state of Wisconsin. And then at least it would be an option, really kinda honored by the thought.

Hmmm..... enjoy the new Steak Grilled Burrito by Taco Johns, it's kinda expensive but really you shouldn't need more than one.

Love & Peace!



At 3:38 PM, Blogger Hez said...

An update awesome. I am running late and will be back later to comment on all the cool things said.

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Hez said...

I am so happy we are going to be playing volleyball. I can't wait. I still need to come up with my team name idea.

Glad to hear you will have some furniture for us to sit on when we come visit. Early April is getting close, are you ready?

We are crazy busy at work too. New procedures means more work for Hez. Woo hoo!

Does the fam have any good stories that you wouldn't want them to tell me?

I think that is cool that Jess and Mark want you to marry them. It is a neat idea and I bet you will do an awesome job. Plus it doesn't hurt to have some skills for a side job to make some cash. Should we start calling you the Rev. Riz?

Thanks for the bit about the food. I am starving, haven't really ate today, and have to wait another half hour plus for dinner at the Red Robin.

Peace out hommie. :O)


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