Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Well, let's see what's happened since I last posted... Hmm.... My promotion was confirmed, so I should be making slightly more than I used to. Which is a good thing as it'll look good on a resume and the pay increase will help pay for the new house. The only things left on the house is to get the underwriting finished up, work out a solution to the chimney/roof issues, and move. I have the cable guy coming on Friday to the new place to get set up, but the official move should be Saturday. Probably going to worry about getting Kari moved in, since she has to be gone by months end. Hopefully will get my stuff that won't fit in the car over there too, then I can kinda move a little more leisurely. Russ should be back sometime this week, to move some more stuff out and get the place a little more show-able. So, i'm pretty stoked about the new house, it should be pretty sweet, it'll definitely be a little underfurnished at first, but that'll get fixed over time. Well, I think thats most everything, so I'll hopefully update again within a reasonable amount of time.


At 5:56 AM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

Awesome and congrats!

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Hez said...

That is exciting. I didn't realize that you were moving already - wow. So when's the party? Oh congrats on your promotion and on being in first place too! What up with the idea of a summer volleyball league? Don't forget that if you need any home improvements stuff we can get you Tad's discount. Say hi to Kari for me.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Hez said...

So, you alive? How's the new place?

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Hez said...

Oh and I talked to Mark. Tad and I can play v-ball on Thursdays! :O)


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