Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Could it be??

Wow, an update. It's been forever since I last posted, not really sure how much news there is. Off the top of my head, I got older last friday, the traditional older that happens everyday, although on Friday, my age got bumped up by one, so welcome to twenty-nine Riz! I took the day off work, which was much needed as it is and has been very hectice for what seems like months (contributing to the lack of blogging). I got up early to take the kitties to be neutered and all we had to do was pick them up between 4pm and 6pm. Went back to the house and fell asleep, Kari got me up at 11ish and got me motivated to head to Taco Time. So, we rolled out at a little before noon, and I've gotta say Illinois sucks. They are currently working on the tolls on the Illinois Tollway. I hate the tollway anyway, and this massive traffic backup only added to my aggrivation and made a long drive longer. We finally get to the Woodfield Mall and that is a really nice mall, it's got a lego store and even an Apple Store, combined with a Taco Time/Ranch1, who could ask for more?? I wasn't actually impressed with the quality of food there, the shells seemed to be half an inch thick and I felt took away from the burrito ingrediants. I would rank my experience there at a C-. We finish eating and it's *time* to head back to pick up the kitties before they close. I didn't really give a lot of thought on the time and travel until we started headed back. Somewhere around the WI border I realize we might not make it back in time to pick up the kitties. So, we called and asked if any one would be there like 10~20 minutes late, just in case we don't make it back, they said "No." So, then we start making calls to see if anyone would be able to pick them up. Fortunately, Jess was able to pick them up and put them in our dirty basement, sorry you had to see that Jess. So, with the kitties neutered and seemingly non-the-worse for wear we just chilled. I was exhausted from the driving.

In not news, everyone that reads this already knows I play volleyball on Thursdays with most people who read this blog, I'm guessing Tad doesn't read too many blogs. I really like it, I wish the teams we play were more like the teams we played at 10-pin. I'll try to get us in there next year if there's still interest.

Work is just sucking and sucking and even though I'm kinda swamped and behind, I'm writing this update. Part of me wants to find a new job and part of me wants to stay, so that when I look for a new job it'll say that I've been in this job for more than just a year or two.

Kari and I got a new couch yesterday, so now once we oust the old couch and hang some frames and shelves our living room should be complete. Next project will be a bathroom for me in the basement.

Reading Burrito Eater's blog has kind of inspired me to try to lose a little weight (or in my case a lot). I think that within a year time, I'd like to be close to the 200 mark again, I gotta start thinking about the next 29 years and I kinda miss being cut.

Well, so long for now, can't promise when the next update will be, hopefully soon!


At 12:33 PM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

Bummer about the Taco Time. I think the quality of new Taco Times are piss poor and I regret that you had to experience that. You also need to get an I-Pass it will save you a minimum of 1/2 hour once the new toll is done and the tolls are half-price.

So what method will you be doing for this weight loss? Any ideas yet?

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

1 post in two it dead?

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Burrito Eater said...

No posts in 1 month? Have you lost that lovin' feelin?


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