Monday, April 24, 2006


Well, as you can tell, I'm not much of a blogger. My day to day isn't all that exciting, so so updates. But anyway, in the event someone reads this, I think I'm going to look for a bike to do some riding. So, any pointers or tips for finding a bike for a larger than average guy (not height!), feel free to throw your two cents in here.

Hmmm....I'd post the new volleyball information I have here, but I wanna make sure everyone gets it, so check your e-mails!

I wanna hear on how the Hez House Hunt is going...

Today is Monday and I'm already looking forward to the weekend. Looks like it's going to be a rough three or four weeks for me, got a lot of projects to get done and done right.

Tweet Tweet!

Monday, April 03, 2006


I have some time to do an update. Last week and a half was hell. I averaged about four hours of sleep at night, while not sleeping for more than three consecutive hours. Then putting in a full day of work on top of that. Needless to say, I was ran ragged, didn't really have time to do a whole lot, including lunch.... But anyway I'm no longer on-call and we're starting a new implementation today, so I have some breathing room.

I don't know what was wrong with me, but on Saturday I slept for about 16.5 hours, and I really only woke up when Kari called at 4:30 pm CST. So, it was time for a shower and a quick bite to eat. Then we went to Burrito Eater's place on Saturday, unfortunately we couldn't stay long as Kari and I had a previous engagement . Somewhere in the middle of the evening I started feeling really sick, the only thing I can think to pin it on was the Taco Bell.

Really not a whole lot going on, just trying to keep up at work. I've been playing Kingdom Hearts II, it's a mix of mostly Disney characters and some Final Fantasy aspects. I'd have to say it's an RPG, but there's a lot of action in it and a ton of mini games. As part of the mini-games you can design your own ship (it's how you get from one disney world to the other) and do various missions.

We finally got furniture in the basement, not sure when we can throw a get together, Kari's out this weekend in Boston, she actually leaves tomorrow. So, hopefully soon. Hmm.... 25 days until volleyball....

I think I have a long lost brother. Now that I think about it, that'd be something fun to start compiling here in the Madison area.

Well, I do have work to do, just wanted to let people know I was still alive.